If you want to convert your wordpress blog into membership site and shy spending hundreds of dollars upfront – keep reading! 🙂
The new free wordpress membership plugin – MemberWing allows to convert your existing blog into membership site without any changes or re-designs.
MemberWing was built with Search Engine Optimization and speed in mind.
By inserting small text marker “{+++}” inside any article (old or new) – the content of it will become “protected” and available only to registered premium members. Simply put – anything that was before the marker – is visible for everyone – so put your teasers here. Anything after the “{+++}” marker will only be visible to users who are “Gold” or “Platinum” members. This is great feature that allows search engines to index and rank free text “teasers” part of your blog/website. Other plugins and multi-hundred dollars membership software packages does not have this very useful feature. They just lock site completely leaving you on your own with zero chance for organic rankings.
Once activated, plugin created 4 separate group members – Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. So you may (if wanted to) have 4 classes of contents and charge fees accordingly to access each class of contents. The way you mark contents of your articles for each group is the same simple one – via markers that separate free teasers from premium “juicy” part. {+} – Bronze members, {++} – Bronze and Silver members, {+++} – Bronze, Silver and Gold members, etc..
Membership plugin MemberWing supports latest version of self-hosted WordPress 2.6+ and works on any hosted account that allows wordpress installations.
I’ve installed it here – and protected this article 🙂
Here’s how your protected article will look like, when viewed by non-premium member: