After spending countless hours fighting with wordpress changing my tags and text formatting in it’s rich text editor I finally decided to create a tiny little cute plugin that makes wordpress to leave alone my HTML formatting, tags and line breaks.
Essentially the source code of the whole thing is this:
function myautop ($text) { return $text; } function mytext ($text) { return $text; } remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); add_filter ('the_content', 'myautop'); remove_filter ('the_content', 'wptexturize'); add_filter ('the_content', 'mytext');
You may download actual plugin from the link below. Just unzip, copy it into ./plugins directory, activate and enjoy.
Note: to fix another big annoyance with WordPress eliminating line breaks – this is what I use to “create” line breaks that WordPress doesn’t kill. In HTML mode insert this code:
<div style="margin:2em;"><span style="display:none;">-</span></div>
Advantage of this method is that you can regulate size of your “custom line break” by changing value in “margin” CSS tag.
Bonus TIP:
Actually I just found a better way to keep linebreaks: Advanced TinyMCE plugin seems to add lot more features to TinyMCE editor as well as has an option to stop WordPress’s messing up with line breaks.