How to get precise search volume for any keyword or phrase
Imagine knowing exact number of searches for your targeted keyword phrase (or it’s synonyms). This information would let you know instantly whether it’s worthwhile to target certain niche or pass it on for better ones. While it used to be closely guarded data behind Google’s corporate data centers – it is available now on first come – first serve basis.
Google just decided to offer more information about keywords and keyphrases search volume. In fact almost precise numbers as well as average monthly search volume numbers. Any paid subscibers to wordtracker around? Sorry guys, we just got an access to precise numbers from the king of kings. No more questionable guesswork at a premium fee is needed.
Here is goes:
- Go ahead to Google Keyword Tool
- Click on: How would you like to generate keyword ideas?
- Select “Descriptive words or phrases”
- In the field: “Enter one keyword or phrase per line:” enter your favorite keyphrase
- Press button “Get keyword ideas”. Wait a few seconds…
Together with suggested keywords and all of it’s possible variations – Google will return “Approximate Search Volume” numbers together with “Approx Average Search Volume” numbers for the current month.
Handy indeed.
Gleb Esman